
Advocacy and NDIS reviews

Mention the words NDIS reviews and appeals and it usually brings feelings of stress and confusion… but does it have to?

Recently NDSP partnered with Physio INQ, Marli & Moe and Home Care Heroes to host two amazing professional development sessions on NDIS Reviews and Appeals for Support Coordinators in Sydney and the Central Coast and we were pleased to hear that FREE support is available to people navigating through this space.

We were thrilled to have Amanda Brickwood from Disability Advocacy NSW there as the keynote speaker.  Amanda Brickwood is an all-round passionate and professional disability advocate and it was fantastic to have her there to share her knowledge, expertise and tools with all who attended.

It is important to always shine a light on the RIGHTs of people with disability to appeal NDIA decisions that they feel are unjust, however, it is also important to understand that the NDIS is an insurance scheme and therefore decisions made by NDIA must always be based on the legislation.

It is commonly thought though that the NDIS system is difficult to navigate and let’s face it the thought of anything legal is quite frightening, so it was refreshing to hear that there are FREE mainstream services available through numerous Advocacy agencies to help people navigate through the various NDIS reviews and appeals pathways.

Through her extensive experience, Amanda was able to highlight common issues raised by Support Coordinators and explain their role in relation to the NDIS reviews process which largely centres around Support Coordinators referring their NDIS participants to mainstream services such as Advocacy support and further supporting their participants through the coordination and collation of supportive evidence which was highlighted as a fundamental component of successful review outcomes.

Amanda also spoke about the Administrative Appeals Tribunals (AAT) process and what struck me was that the AAT process is not to be feared. Forget what we think we know, as it is far less intimidating than expected. The AAT is a process that participants are able to execute their RIGHT to appeal decisions. of the NDIS. What this process also does, is shine a light to the entire community of the AAT’s findings, showing that if you have the confidence to speak up, you may be solving issues for the entire community.

With this in mind we encourage you to leave fear at the door and seek support because you do not have to navigate the NDIS system alone, there are many Advocacy services available including Disability Advocacy NSW whom Amanda Brickwood represents.

Further information regarding NDIS reviews through the AAT can be found on their website https://www.aat.gov.au/steps-in-a-review/national-disability-insurance-scheme-ndis/decision The information available is easy to read, or viewed through informative videos and includes explanations of the steps through the review, hearing and decision process.

For more information or to receive the invaluable resources shared from the NDIS Reviews and Appeals Professional Development session please contact Cherie Cordina via cherie@ndsp.com.au

If you would like to find out how Disability Advocacy NSW can support you please visit their website via https://da.org.au/

Author Cherie Cordina

National Business Development Manager

From NDSP (National Disability Support Partners)


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