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Check Out NAPPA, Our Plan Management Portal

At times, the NDIS journey can seem like a long and winding road filled with confusing landmarks and endless paperwork potholes. Thankfully, NDSP is here to help you navigate the path ahead with professional NDIS management.

NDSP is committed to helping you achieve your goals with our innovative and personalised NDIS management service. Our highly skilled plan managers will help guide you through the NDIS process and provide you with the support you need to manage your funding. Not only do we offer expert advice, but we also provide you with easy access to all the tools you need to stay informed and in control.

As part of NDSP’s dedication to supporting your needs, we have developed an online system that allows you to access and view your NDIS budget in real-time – NAPPA. Our user-friendly NDIS management portal has been designed to enable you to maintain complete control over your NDIS funding.

So, to find out more about how NDSP is helping you steer your NDIS plan in the right direction, read on!

Budget transparency

Ultimately, the purpose of your NDIS plan is to provide you with funding to engage the supports you need to achieve your goals. Therefore, it’s important that you know where and when your funds are being spent at all times.

With our NDIS management portal, NAPPA, your budget is completely transparent and easily accessible to you. Our online system allows you to log on to your account from any device and view your budget in real-time. This means you can keep on top of your funding and see exactly how your funds are being distributed and how much of your budget has been used.

NAPPA enables you to:

  • view your budget in real-time
  • track the allocation of your funding
  • access your provider invoices and payments
  • see how much funding you have left

Overall, NAPPA provides you with access to your budget wherever you are so you can stay informed and in charge of your funding.

Keeping you informed

In addition to NDSP’s innovative support tool, NAPPA, we have developed a comprehensive online resource to help you understand and navigate your NDIS plan. Our participant toolbox provides useful information that explains the NDIS process, offers helpful tips on helping you manage your funding, and provides suggestions on how to make your plan work best for you.

Stay informed with:

  • commonly used NDIS terms and their meanings
  • useful insights about your NDIS plan
  • links to forms and information relating to the NDIS process

NDIS management and you

NDSP is dedicated to ensuring your NDIS journey is as smooth as possible by helping you navigate the ins and outs of your budget. NDIS management with NDSP allows you full control over your funding while providing you with the tools and resources you need to help achieve your goals.

Our specialised team provides you with:

  • long-term support and advice when you need it;
  • easy access to your budget;
  • funding management to pay your providers on time;
  • administrative services to handle your paperwork; and
  • the freedom to focus on your goals!

So, contact NDSP today to find out more about NDIS management with NAPPA and how we can help you take control of your plan.


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About Us

NDSP is a NDIS registered provider, specialising in Plan Management. We are here to manage your NDIS funds on your behalf. Our experienced staff are highly skilled and ready to help you!

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