How to Identify Whether Your Child Needs NDIS Specialist Support Coordination

How to Identify Whether Your Child Needs NDIS Specialist Support Coordination

The NDIS aims to provide support to Australians from the ages of 7 to 25, whether they have temporary or permanent disability. People with disability need extra care and support to help them achieve their goals and live independent lives. This is where the NDIS comes in to help them achieve those goals through funded support. Whether you are a guardian or a biological parent, no one knows your child’s needs and potentially more than you. Depending on the level of care the child needs, they may be eligible for NDIS specialist support coordination. But how do you determine if your child qualifies for this support? Here is how to find out.

Understanding Specialist Support Coordination

Before you get into the pointers, it’s best to understand what specialist support coordination is under NDIS. In simpler terms, this is the higher level of support provided by NDIS to help reduce the complexity in a participant’s support environment. It aims to allow the participant to overcome barriers affecting their access to support. For your child, the specialist support coordination will help design a plan for their support needs. This will help address the complex barriers where necessary.

How Can You Tell Your Child Needs Specialist Support Coordination?

The specialist support coordination is under the approved NDIS support services within the capacity building budget of the approved NDIS Plan. Here are some indicators your child needs it:

If They Are Over 7 Years And An Approved NDIS Plan

If a child is over the age of 7 and has an approved NDIS plan, they may still need Specialist Support Coordination if they meet certain criteria. The NDIS considers several factors when determining whether a child requires Specialist Support Coordination;

  • The complexity of their disability,
  • The number of service providers involved in their care, and 
  • The need for coordination across multiple service sectors.

Suppose a child has a complex disability that requires multiple services and supports. In that case, Specialist Support Coordination can help ensure all providers work together to achieve the best outcomes for the child. This can include coordinating medical, therapeutic, educational, and other services to address the child’s unique needs and challenges.

Similarly, if a child has multiple service providers involved in their care, it can be challenging to coordinate and manage all the different services. Specialist Support Coordination can ensure all providers are working together and communicating effectively to ensure the child receives the services and support they need.

In addition, if a child requires services and supports across multiple sectors, such as health, education, and disability, navigating and coordinating the different services can be challenging. Specialist Support Coordination can ensure all these sectors work together to meet the child’s needs.

If They Have More Than One Mental Illness

Children with mental health illness may require SSC to help coordinate and integrate the necessary services and supports. SSC can support the child, their family, and service providers to meet the child’s complex needs. Additionally, it will ensure they can access the services and support they need to achieve the best possible outcomes. If you believe your child may benefit from SSC, you can speak to your child’s NDIS planner or support coordinator for NDIS to discuss your child’s needs and explore the options available. Here is why children with more than one mental illness may need SSC:

  • Complex needs
  • Multiple service providers
  • Co-existing conditions
  • Challenging behaviours
  • Family support
  • Transition planning
  • Advocacy

If They Live At Home With You, But You Also Have A Disability

Suppose a child lives at home with a parent or guardian with a disability. In that case, the additional complexities and challenges may require Specialist Support Coordination. Here are some reasons why a child in this situation may benefit from SSC:

  • Increased responsibilities on the parent or guardian: If the parent has a disability, they may have support needs that require time and attention. This can also make it difficult for them to provide the support and care their child needs. Specialist Support Coordination can help identify and access the right supports and services to ensure that the parent and child receive the assistance they need.
  • Limited resources: If the parent has limited financial or otherwise resources, it can be challenging to access and coordinate the services and support the child needs. Specialist Support Coordination can help identify and access services and supports that may be available through the NDIS or other programs.
  • Complex needs: If the child has complex needs that require multiple services and supports, coordinating and managing all the different providers for the child can be difficult. But with the help of Specialist Support Coordination, you can ensure all providers work together to achieve the best outcomes for your child.
  • Respite needs: If the parent requires respite care or support to manage their disability, providing the same care and support the child needs can be challenging. With Specialist Support Coordination, you can identify and access respite services for you and your child.
  • Advocacy needs: If the parent or guardian has their own advocacy needs or struggles to communicate effectively with service providers, ensuring their child’s needs are met can prove difficult. This is where Specialist NDIS Support services provide advocacy support to ensure the parent and child receive the services and support they need.
  • Transition planning: If the child is transitioning to a new stage in life, such as starting school or moving out of home, navigating the services and supports they will need can be challenging. Specialist Support Coordination can help ensure a smooth and effective transition for the child and their family.

If They Require Ongoing Support From A Social Worker

If a child requires ongoing support from a social worker, it may indicate that they have complex needs that require specialist support coordination. A specialist support coordinator for NDIS can help ensure the child’s needs are met by coordinating and managing services from multiple providers. Furthermore, they can develop a comprehensive care plan, advocating for the child and family and providing ongoing support and guidance. This can help ensure the child receives the appropriate services and resources to support their health, well-being, and development.

There are instances when a child with an NDIS Plan may need specialised support coordination. This guide will help you tell if they fall under any category so that you can get them the special NDIS support services they need. Furthermore, once you have established this, you will have to collect all the documentation and evidence that your child is facing barriers in their support. Then request a plan review, and NDIS will schedule a reassessment to see if there should be changes. Once the specialist support coordination is provided, you will feel some weight lift off your shoulders because they will more likely become independent towards achieving their own goals.

If you wish to learn more about support coordination, contact us at 1800 63 63 77.


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