NDIS Plan Durations

Longer NDIS Plan Durations Announced!

According to news released  on the NDIS website in late November, Participants are now able to request NDIS plan durations of up to three (3) years.

For participants with support needs that are unlikely to change, a long plan duration means you can carry on with your lives without needing to go through frequent plan review processes. A part of this is of course your use of NDSP Plan Management being uninterrupted over the course of your Plan. For us that means we get to know you better!

Longer term plans haven’t been put in place as a way to save NDIA time, rather they are designed for participants who are:

  • in a stable situation with their support needs are unlikely to change
  • confident in using their funding to achieve their goals
  • focused on longer term goals such as learning new skills, employment or becoming more active in the community.

If you identify yourself to fit into any of the above groups, then a longer plan duration may be for you. If that’s the case, please talk with your Local Area Coordinator (LAC) or planner. And of course if you’d like assistance making contact, please do get in touch with our team and we’ll help as much as we can.

To prepare for the conversation you’ll have with your LAC about longer NDIS plan durations, you will want to consider:

  • any life changes you’re expecting to make over the next three years (e.g. leaving school, starting or leaving work or a change in your living situation)
  • how connected you are with your social and community supports
  • your goals and preferences around plan duration.

If your circumstances change at any time during your plan period, your LAC or planner will be able to help you review your support needs and undertake a plan review if required to ensure your plan suits your new situation. If you’d like more information about plan reviews, check out our article for some insights: https://ndsp.com.au/ndia-unscheduled-plan-reviews/

It’s clear that with changes and updates like this that the NDIA is listening to what participants and stakeholders are saying about the NDIS. They continue to put in place practical changes that will improve people’s experiences with the NDIS.

Very much a win for participants and reassurance that your feedback matters.

NDSP is a NDIS registered provider specialising in NDIS Plan Management. If you are a NDIS Participant looking for the right Plan Manager, CLICK HERE to get in touch with our friendly team today.


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