a smiling boy in a wheelchair beside a hospital bed

Everything You Need To Know About NDIS Assistive Technology

The NDIS announced on 1 March 2022 that the limit for automatic approvals of mid cost Assistive Technology (AT) supports have been changed from $5,000 to $15,000. This ultimately means that participants will be able to access mid cost AT-related supports (items and services from $1,500 up to $15,000) much faster and much easier.

NDSP Plan Managers encourages our participants to ensure that they have sufficient AT fundings in their plans before accessing additional AT-related supports. Please note that any required funding will still need to be evaluated if they are “reasonable and necessary” against the NDIS Funding Criteria.

If you are an NDSP Plan Managers client, you can check and track your own funds via Nappa, our real-time online budget portal.

Nappa lets you monitor your remaining plan funds and it also lets you view all the details of your provider invoices.

NAPPA NDIS Participant Portal
Image: A sample screenshot of the Nappa dashboard.

What is Assistive Technology?

A young girl is sitting in a wheelchair and a female support worker is helping her move around while strolling in a park

Assistive Technology are equipment, technology and devices that help improve the lives of people with disability to do everyday things. These are supports that help individuals to do things that they can’t normally do due to their disability, in a safer and easier manner. These can also be items that help reduce a person’s need for other supports over time.

AT is generally supported by the NDIS and are evaluated based on costs and risks. These items can either be purchased or rented.

However, not every other equipment or technology can be supported. Those that are considered an everyday item—such as vehicles, smart phones and household furniture—are not typically funded by the NDIS.

As a general rule, the requested support will be funded by the NDIS if:

  • it is related to your disability needs
  • it will help with your individual goals and aspirations
  • it will help your social and/or economic participation
  • it will provide value for money
  • it is effective and beneficial for you
  • it helps maintain your informal support
  • it is a responsibility of the NDIS to fund

To help evaluate the AT-related costs and risks, you can speak to a qualified AT advisor such as allied health practitioners, continence nurses, rehabilitation engineers, AT mentors or other qualified practitioners. Learn more about this by visiting this page.

What are some examples of NDIS-funded AT supports?

A man is helping to push a guy sitting in a wheelchair up a vehicle through a ramp

Vehicle Modications

Purchasing a vehicle is not typically funded by the NDIS as it’s not an item that is directly considered a disability-related type of support. And in most cases, vehicles are part of day-to-day living costs too. General maintanance and car repairs are typically not funded as well.

However, modifications to new or second-hand vehicles can be funded. An example of which is when it involves modifying a car to help a person get in and out of the vehicle with or without wheelchair. It can also be funded in cases where a person needs support to drive a vehicle with specialised controls.

Visit this page to learn more about vehicle modification supports.

Hi Lo adjustable bed

Adjustable Beds and Mattresses

Standard beds and mattresses are typically not funded by the NDIS as these are everyday household items. However, if a person needs customised ones to support their disability needs, then these can potentially be funded.

Photo: Superior Lifestyle

max healthcare equipment's wheelchair

Wheelchairs and Related Modifications

In cases where wheelchairs and related modifications are needed, in order to travel long distances and to increase mobility and independence, then these items can be NDIS funded.

Photo: Max Healthcare Equipment

A guy holding a tablet


Typically, tablets are not funded by the NDIS as these are considered common household items and day-to-day living costs. However, in cases where an individual can present written evidences that having an electronic device is considered an extra cost, which is directly because of the person’s disability needs, then yes, this can be NDIS funded.

Want to read more about the Assistive Techonology items and services that can be funded by the NDIS, visit this page.

If you have questions about Assistive Technology and how these can be managed in your NDIS plan, contact NDSP Plan Managers via email at info@ndsp.com.au or call us at 1800 63 63 77.


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