A man is sitting in his wheelchair and in front of him is a female support worker who is helping him

NDIS Funding: A Guide to COVID-Related Claims

Unsure whether a COVID-related item can be funded using your National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) plan? We referred to NDIS’ COVID Addendum to understand the temporary measures that were added to the NDIS Pricing Arrangements and Price Limits document.

Here’s our quick guide to help you answer these frequently asked questions.

Will the NDIS cover my rapid antigen tests (RAT)?

A sample of a rapid antigen test (RAT)

Absolutely. Eligible NDIS participants can purchase RATs using their core budget where it is required to access their reasonable and necessary supports. The Low Cost Disability-Related Health Consumables line item in the core budget can be used to claim for RATs.

  • Claim Code: 03_040000919_0103_1_1

The NDIS understands that RATs are important for participants to be able to safely access their disability supports and to safely live in their place of residence.

“This is another example of how we are supporting participants to use their funding flexibly during the COVID-19 pandemic, to ensure they continue to receive the disability-related supports they need,” says the Minister for the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) Senator the Hon Linda Reynolds.

Can I purchase rapid antigen tests for my support worker?

An old man is sitting in his wheelchair while wearing a mask, and in front of him is a male medical professional who is wearing PPE.

You can! This also follows the NDIS guideline which states that eligible supported independent living participants and providers can claim whenever a support worker is required to undergo COVID-19 testing in order to safely deliver supports to a participant. The claims can be up to $12.50 per rapid antigen test (RAT).

  • Claim Code: RAPID_ANTIGEN_TEST_SIL (end date: 30 April 2022)

What can be claimed if a participant needs to get vaccinations/boosters? 

a man on the left is getting his vaccination from a female medical professional

For vaccinations: Eligible providers can claim up to a fixed price of $150 per participant in order to ensure a participant gets full COVID vaccination. The support can include: administration to arrange appointments, transport, and arranging a support worker to accompany in the appointment.

  • Claim Code: PARTICIPANT_VACCINE (end date: 31 March 2022)

For boosters: Eligible providers can claim up to a fixed price of $75 per participant to facilitate a booster vaccine.

  • Claim Code: BOOSTER_VACCINE_PARTICIPANT (end date: 30 June 2022)

To read full list of eligible providers, visit this page.

Can I claim for deep cleaning services?

A person is cleaning a table wearing gloves and using a cloth

Yes, in cases where a Supported Independent Living (SIL) participant or a worker (who has delivered support to a participant) tested positive or needs to self-isolate/quarantine due to COVID.

The support is only claimable once per period of COVID infection.

For a participant:

  • Claim Code: DEEP_CLEAN_SIL_NOT_REMOTE / DEEP_CLEAN_SIL_REMOTE / DEEP_CLEAN_SIL_VERY_REMOTE (end date: none specified, subject to review)

For a provider:

  • Claim Code: DEEP_CLEAN_OTHER_NOT_REMOTE / DEEP_CLEAN_OTHER_REMOTE / DEEP_CLEAN_OTHER_VERY_REMOTE (end date: none specificied, subject to review)

What additional COVID-related supports can I get?

A man on kneeling on the floor while playing with a kitten on a couch

In some cases, additional costs are incurred by the providers of Assistance in Supported Living supports when their participants are required to self-isolate or quarantine due to COVID. These additional costs can include:

  • Increase in staffing and higher intensity support
  • And even finding an alternative accommodation for the participant in cases of outbreak, etc.

In these examples, providers can make claims to access these support on behalf of the participant.

As a general rule, the requested support will be funded by the NDIS if the support needed:

  • is related to your disability needs

  • will help with your individual goals and aspirations

  • will help your social and/or economic participation

  • will provide value for money

  • is effective and beneficial for you

  • helps to maintain your informal support

  • is a responsibility of the NDIS to fund

To learn more about support for COVID-related items and how these can be managed in your NDIS plan, contact NDSP Plan Managers via email at info@ndsp.com.au or call us at 1800 63 63 77.


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