
What Does an NDIS Plan Manager Do?

If you participate in the National Disability Insurance Scheme, you may have a choice around how you can handle payments for therapies and treatments. One option many participants choose is ‘plan management’. This involves an NDIS-registered plan manager taking care of this for you. However, what exactly is a plan manager, and how could they assist you?

What Is the NDIS?

Before you can understand the role of an NDIS plan manager, it’s crucial to have a good understanding of the NDIS and its purpose.

The National Disability Insurance Scheme is a federal government-funded scheme. It was developed to help support Australians living with a cognitive, intellectual, physical sensory, and/or psychological disability. The NDIS provides support funding for those living with a disability to help them achieve their goals.

Funding often includes support for services such as finding employment, assistance with personal activities and household tasks, transportation and providing mobility equipment.

NDIS plans are usually reviewed every 12 months.

What Is the Role of an NDIS Plan Manager?

Here at NDSP Plan Managers, we’re all for participants.

The role of our plan managers is to help participants navigate their way through the NDIS system. This ensures you receive the most out of your funding, while still achieving your goals. Our highly skilled plan managers will handle all paperwork related to purchases or paying for services for you. Choosing to be Plan Managed allows you to live your life while we work on the administration side of your NDIS budget.

Here’s What Our Plan Managers Will Take Care of:

  • Receive all invoices from providers and make payments on your behalf;
  • Assist you in making claims through the NDIS portal
  • Complete financial reporting for you
  • Help you to track and budget your NDIS funds
  • Help you to build the skills required to transition to self-management if you wish.

It’s important to note that choosing to enlist the assistance of a Plan Manager will still provide you with the flexibility to select and arrange your own supports, and keep using those providers you already have!

Why Choose to Use NDSP Plan Managers?

Plan management provides you with choice and control without the administrative burden that can come with self-managing funds. The management of your NDIS plan and funding can influence things such as the items you can buy and the services you can use. Plan management costs you nothing and is your right; there are no eligibility criteria.

You may consider working with a NDSP Plan Manager if:

  • You’re wanting choice and control over the providers you use
  • You’re looking for help when it comes to negotiating a price for registered providers, helping you to get more out of your budget funds.
  • You want choice and control over your plan without needing to handle the administration yourself.

If you’re currently an NDIS Participant and are looking for a Plan Management provider, contact the team at NDSP today!


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