What makes NDSP Plan Managers different from other plan managers?

What makes NDSP Plan Managers different from other plan managers?

Working with the NDIS and planning the utilisation of funds can present some challenges to participants. As a participant, you’d want to ensure all allocated resources are aligned to achieving the goals you envisage for yourself. However, that can be difficult because you also have to handle its administrative and financial aspects. That is where NDSP Plan Managers come in.

NDSP Plan Managers are NDIS plan management experts who manage NDIS funds and work with stakeholders and participants to improve their services. If you’re a participant, a manager can handle all the administrative, reports, and funding-related work of your NDIS planning. This frees up time and lets you focus on what’s important – choosing the right supports to fulfil your needs and achieve your goals.

This blog will take you through NDIS plan management, how NDIS plan managers can help, and how NDSP Plan Managers differ from other plan managers. Read on to learn more.

What is NDIS plan management?

Before beginning with NDIS plan managers, let’s understand what exactly NDIS plan management is. NDIS plan management manages your NDIS (National Disability Insurance Scheme) plan. The tricky part of handling an NDIS plan is that all your transactions from the NDIS fund should be as per the NDIS guidelines. It requires careful monitoring and accounting of the money spent.

Therefore, there are primarily three ways to manage NDIS money. Let us discuss all of them.


This option is perfect for you if you prefer control over all aspects of your NDIS plan. As the name suggests, you will organise services, adhere to NDIS guidelines, monitor your funds, manage receipts and invoices, and finish the paperwork.

The self-management option gives you more freedom, flexibility, and control. You also can negotiate rates. However, this can be time-consuming, and you may even have to sit through an audit.

Planned management

Planned management is when you get a third party to manage your NDIS plan. The third party is called an NDIS plan manager who will be responsible for paying service providers, reporting finances, finishing paperwork, and maintaining invoices.

With this, you don’t have to worry about maintaining records or invoicing. Your plan manager will do that for you. All you need to do is find a good plan manager who you gel with, and one you believe is well equipped to manage your NDIS plan.


As the name suggests, in this option, the NDIA itself manages your funds. You get to select your provider from a different NDIS-registered provider, and the NDIA handles the rest. You can keep track of your budget easily with this.

For more on this topic, see NDIS Self Managed vs Plan Managed vs Agency Managed Explained.

Who is an NDIS Plan Manager?

Now that you know what NDIS plan management is, let’s understand who NDIS plan managers are. NDIS Plan Managers are vetted and registered as providers with NDIS. They are a team of highly experienced and skilled plan managers dedicated to helping participants by assisting them with their NDIS plans and freeing up a significant portion of their time.

An NDIS plan manager will help you connect with registered NDIS service providers and develop a unique plan matching your needs. Their responsibilities include:

  • Managing the day-to-day administration of your NDIS program
  • Ensuring proper implementation of the plan
  • Claiming funds from your NDIS budget
  • Managing invoicing from service providers
  • Providing you with a transparent monthly transaction list
  • Looking for options that help maximise your budget

Why choose NDSP Plan Managers?

It is quite natural to ask this question. Why should you choose NDSP Plan Managers to manage your NDIS plan? Here are some of the reasons.

Save resources

NDIS plan management can be overwhelming and stressful. A professional plan manager is trained to manage NDIS plans and get the best out of them. With NDSP Plan Managers, you can focus on your goals and leave all administrative burdens to them.


NDSP Plan Managers are highly experienced when it comes to optimising NDIS plans. Our experience can help you maximise your budget and handle bookkeeping properly. We understand your unique needs and come up with customised advice regarding your funds.

More options

With NDSP Plan Managers, you also get more freedom and options while choosing service providers. You don’t have to work with only registered providers. You can also choose non-registered ones.


NDSP Plan Managers ensure you get complete transparency and control over your funds. You can check your funds in real time with our online NDIS Plan Management portal, NAPPA. You can get the invoices and see the fund allocation.

How are NDSP Plan Managers different from other plan managers?

The best part about NDSP Plan Managers is the expertise we offer at no additional cost. The plan management services can be availed free of charge. NDSP Plan Managers have a staff of highly trained and skilled plan managers who come up with innovative solutions to manage your funds.

Let us look at some of the things that set us apart from other plan managers.

  • We give you real-time access to your budget through NAPPA
  • Maintain comprehensive and updated records of your transactions
  • We give you advice on optimising your plan
  • Can work as advocates, coordinators, and representatives
  • Have industry knowledge and skills

Choosing a plan manager

While choosing a plan manager, keep these things in mind.

  • Determine where you need help. Do you want help with administrative tasks or with financial aspects?
  • Determine the services you need.
  • Before hiring one, compare the prices.

To get the best out of your plan managers, stay in touch and keep them updated with the latest happenings on your end. Communicate openly, and regularly, and ensure they are on the same page regarding your NDIS fund.

NDIS plan managers are game changers when it comes to managing your NDIS funding along with all other aspects of working with the NDIS. Simply put: they will help you make the best choices for getting the best outcomes. NDSP Plan Managers has the resources and wherewithal, backed by years of experience that is needed to make NDIS plans work better for the people they work with.

If you wish to learn more about your NDIS plan or NDIS plan management, contact us at 1800 63 63 77.


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