A young boy swimming and another boy playing an augmented reality game

3 Things You Need to Know About Achieving Abilities

Achieving Abilities is committed to making movement and exercise a positive and fun experience for NDIS participants.

They incorporate a mix of evidence-based traditional exercises such as dumbbells, body weight and aquatic activities. They also offer in-clinic, mobile services and Telehealth services.

Here are 3 things you need to know about Achieving Abilities:

1. What is an Exercise Physiologist?

An Exercise Physiologist is an allied health professional. They have an in-depth knowledge of the muscular, cardiac, neurological and respiratory systems, and the body’s response to exercise.

They have the know-how to prescribe exercise with consideration to physiological and physical differences, as well as the skills to support behaviour change.

Exercise physiology may help with:

• Improving physical capacity to support physical independence, and participation with peers and in the community.
• Developing gross-motor, sport-specific skills, or general coordination.
• Behaviour modification to support increased physical activity engagement and reduce screen time.
• Helping to manage a health condition (i.e asthma, congenital heart fisorder, epilepsy, type 1 diabetes), or that may need consideration for safe physical activity participation.
• Developing core control and postural strength.
• Improving and managing low muscle tone.

Young boy exercising with achieving abilities

2. Can an exercise physiologist help with fine motor skills?

As Exercise Physiologists, they don’t generally teach specific fine motor skills.

However, there are building blocks to developing fine motor skills. They can help you to build your upper body (arm and shoulder) strength, your core and postural strength to help you develop a foundation for developing fine motor skills. This also means they can help share the load with other therapists, and help you reach your goals.

3. Can an Exercise Physiologist help in the Early Intervention space?

Many participants in the Early Intervention age-bracket are on waitlists to access services such as Occupational Therapy and Physiotherapy.

In many instances, there are many overlaps with Exercise Physiology, Occupational Therapy and Physiotherapy. A team approach of all three health professions often produces better outcomes.

Exercise Physiologists can help build the core and trunk control, postural strength and upper limb and grip strength required. This can help your child be in a better starting place for OT and physiotherapy intervention to work on specific fine motor or other skills.

Exercise Physiologists can help develop the physical strength required, and are trained in skill acquisition. Therefore, can also help develop your gross motor development, coordination, and sport specific skills to enhance participation and improve confidence.

In terms of general strength and endurance, as well as cardiorespiratory capacity, Exercise Physiologists are trained in exercise, and using movement to improve strength, physical capacity, fitness.

Exercise Physiology can be accessed through the NDIS under ‘Capacity Building – Improved Health’ and ‘Capacity Building – Improved Daily Living Skills.’  To learn more about Achieving Abilities, visit their website achievingabilities.com.au.


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