Woman with down syndrome thinks about the NDIS

What Is Covered by the NDIS?

In the year 2013, the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) was legislated. It aims to fund the costs associated with disability. Paying your service or equipment providers through your NDIS Plan funding could present an administrative hassle. That is where NDIS Plan Management comes in handy.

An NDIS Plan Management company will take the trouble of administering the payments and funding of your plan off your shoulders. You will also benefit from the experience of the NDIS Plan Management team. They will help you navigate through your NDIS Plan and make the best out of it.


What Does the NDIS cover?

Each NDIS plan is tailored to suit the unique, individual needs of the participant. Your NDIS Plan usually covers expenses related to supporting your daily personal activities, help with household tasks, home and vehicle modifications or alterations and therapeutic support. The costs of mobility and disability aid equipment, such as wheelchairs are also covered. Your NDIS Plan Management provider will help you pay for all these expenses through your funding.

In general, expenses that are considered to be reasonable and necessary are usually covered by your NDIS Plan. These expenses must be related to your disability. They must be beneficial to you and represent value for money. That is why the NDIS Plan Management costs are also covered by the Improved Life Choices plan.


What Are the Types of NDIS Support Budgets?

Three types of NDIS support budgets can be funded through your plan. First, there is the Core Funding. It covers the day to day expenses that are related to your disability. Through the Core Funding, covering items, such as low-cost support equipment like a walking stick.

There is also the Capacity Funding. It includes all costs related to skill-building, training and learning. Your NDIS Plan Management provider can pay for your exercise and diet advice, support to find a job and living arrangements costs through this type of budget. The third type is the Capital Funding. This one covers the purchases of one-off items such as aid equipment, assistive technology and home and vehicle modifications.


What Is Not Covered by the NDIS?

The NDIS cannot fund expenses that are not related to your disability. Therefore, your NDIS Plan cannot be used to pay your rent, entertainment and food expenses using your funds. Expenses that are the obligation of another government system or community service are also not covered by your NDIS Plan.


How Much NDIS Funding Can You Get?

When it comes to NDIS funding, there is no standard amount of funding. Your NDIS Plan will be tailored based on your individual needs and circumstances. Accordingly, you will be provided with funding to support your reasonable and necessary requirements.


NDSP is a registered NDIS Plan Management provider. We will manage your NDIS funds and pay your service and equipment providers on your behalf.

Focus on your goals and leave the NDIS Plan Management hassle to us. Contact us now!


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