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Will I Get to Select My NDIS Plan Manager?

As an NDIS participant, you have full control over choosing the Plan Management provider you want. Just make sure to include “Improved Life Choices” as a part of your NDIS Plan from the start. This way, the NDIS Plan Management fees will be covered in full by the NDIA.


When it comes to NDIS Plan Management providers, there is a huge variety in the market today. From small accounting firms to specialist companies, the choice is up to you. Just make sure to go with the choice that will best suit your needs.


With Plan Management, you will get more choice and control over your plan, without the stress. You will not have to do all the administrative and financial paperwork yourself. Your Plan Manager can take care of all of that for you. This way, you will get more time and freedom to focus on achieving your goals.


A competent NDIS Plan Management company will help you unlock the full potential of your plan. Here are some criteria that will help you choose the best provider for you:


NDIS Registered


If you have an NDIS Plan Managemer, you can hire both registered and unregistered service providers. However, when it comes to choosing a Plan Management company, it must be registered with the NDIS. Only registered organisations can submit payment claims from your NDIS funds on your behalf.


Scope of Services


Once you make sure the NDIS Plan Manager is registered, you need to take a closer look at the services they provide. You can call them or check their website. Try to find if they are specialised in NDIS Plan Management or is it just a part of their business.


Efficiency and Reliability


Getting your service providers payments delayed will get them frustrated. They might even stop working with you. That is why you need to choose an NDIS Plan Manager that has a structured invoice payment process. They need to share with you their payment turnaround times and stick to them throughout the lifetime of your NDIS Plan.


Transparency and Control


Just because you hired an NDIS Plan Management provider, does not mean you should not keep track of your funds. A good company should have an online platform or tool that shows that status of your funds in real-time. You should be able to see all your transactions, payment times and the status of your invoices.


NDSP Plan Managers is an NDIS registered provider. We specialise in NDIS Plan Management. With us, you can rest assured your provider invoices will be paid in three to five business days. Our NAPPA Participant Portal grants you real-time access to your budget. By choosing us, you will have unlimited access to our NDIS and Plan Management expertise.



Get the most out of your NDIS plan. Choose NDSP Plan Managers!


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