client improvements

Our Sharp Focus On Continuous Client Improvement

If you’ve been staying up to date with all things NDSP Plan Managers, you’ve probably noticed a suite of improvements to what we do and how we do it. There’s a bunch more we’re working on but we thought it worth shining a spotlight on a couple of the most recent additions to our service. We call them continuous client improvements …

Live Chat feature

Part of improving our client’s experience means prompt responses to questions or concerns, so we’ve implemented this feature to open up a text-message line of communication via a fun little icon here on our website (check it out in the bottom left).

All you need to do is input your name, number and the message you’d like to share with us – whatever that might be – and we’ll text you back!

Feedback on the feature so far has been fantastic, and we’ve loved being more accessible to our clients. Give it a try next time you have something to ask our friendly team of Plan Management specialists.

Language Selector

Diversity is certainly nothing new here in our fine country and we’ve been working to help those in our community that might find language as a barrier. To do that, we’ve created a language selector (look up in the top right corner!) here on our website that makes 11 languages available for you, our faithful reader …

The translator converts all text on the site (not including text set in images) to one of the following languages:

  • English (default)
  • Arabic
  • Chinese (Simplified)
  • Chinese (Traditional)
  • Dutch
  • French
  • German
  • Hindi
  • Italian
  • Spanish
  • Sudanese

If you read in one of these languages, give the translator a try!

Accessibility Widget

Accessibility is right there with the most important part of communicating with people in our community, and making everything we do as accessible as it can be is super important to us here at NDSP Plan Managers.

As such, we’ve implemented a fantastic little “widget” that lives on the right of your browser window that make viewing our website easier.

Simply click on the icon to open the option box and you’ll see the options available – things like a screen reader, higher contrast visual, link highlighting, larger text size, dyslexia friendly viewing and more.

If you’ve used the feature, we’d love to hear your thoughts on how it works – we’re always up for making improvements to our website. 

Nappa – Plan Management Portal

Although not new, Nappa is almost constantly undergoing updates that are designed to improve your experience with your NDIS Plan. The feature rich portal gives you complete transparency to your Plan Funds 24/7 right here on our website.

Some of the key functions of Nappa mean that you can:

  • Securely view your total NDIS funds
  • Real-time access to allocated Plan funds
  • Real-time access to remaining Plan funds
  • See all your invoices in detail, with:
  • Itemised support categories & specific supports from each category
  • Up-to-the-minute copies of actual support invoices
  • Where your funding has been distributed & when

If you’re one of the NDSP Plan Managers family and haven’t yet registered to use Nappa, get in touch with our team today and we’ll get you all set up.

3 Minute Plan Management sign up

Time is one precious commodity for every one of us, and to help you save some of that precious time, we’ve made our sign up process streamlined. Our new form makes signing up to have NDSP Plan Managers as your Plan Manager as simple as 1, 2, 3 (minutes)… that’s right, it takes just 3 minutes to complete the registration with us and get underway with Plan Management.

If you have an NDIS Plan and are looking for a Plan Manager, simply click here and spend 3 minutes getting yourself set up to become part of the NDSP Plan Managers family.

Other great NDSP Plan Managers resources at your disposal

  • Support Coordinator Finder – gives you the ability to find and contact a Support Coordinator in your area (Support Coordinators can register to be listed anytime too)!
  • Disability Provider Finder – does just what you might think! Enables you to find a provider near you, which again allows providers to register directly with us
  • Reasonable & Necessary Tool – This exists to help you when determining whether a product, support or service you’re seeking meets all the criteria defined by the NDIS.
  • Refer a Friend– If you have a friend with a NDIS Plan and is thinking about becoming Plan Managed, refer them to NDSP Plan Managers and we will send you both a Pre-Paid Visa/Mastercard worth $100 AUD
  • Client Reimbursements Form – Allows you to submit a claim for reimbursement of Plan Funds via our website


There’s so much more happening here at NDSP Plan Managers as part of our Continuous Client Improvement approach, like instructional videos, advocacy support and a feedback and complaints function all designed to make your experience with us easier and even more fulfilling.

If you have a suggestion of how we could further improve our service to you, we’d love to hear from you, but in the meantime, watch this space!

NDSP Plan Managers are a NDIS registered provider specialising in NDIS Plan Management. If you are a NDIS Participant looking for the right Plan Manager, CLICK HERE to get in touch with our friendly team today.



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NDSP is a NDIS registered provider, specialising in Plan Management. We are here to manage your NDIS funds on your behalf. Our experienced staff are highly skilled and ready to help you!

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