Designed to make our Participant’s budgets more accessible, our Participant Portal, NAPPA has exceeded expectations amongst Support Coordinators and Participants alike!
Understanding how your NDIS Plan is tracking quickly and easily has become incredibly important to Participants. Without a portal like NAPPA, it can be very difficult to track the spending on your budget which might leave participants without funds left for a specific support, or conversely, not adequately use their funds leaving an unusable surplus at the end of their NDIS Plan. Not ideal.
The ability to check invoices for accuracy has also become a key feature of NAPPA. Our Plan Management workflow means invoices are sent directly to us so we can pay them within our 5-7 day schedule, therefor checking that invoices are correct (amount charged and service provided) means Participants can be assured their Plan is being used as intended.
NAPPA was built to incorporate a simple, visual display in the dashboard to enable users to find the information they need, when they need it.
Here’s a brief look at what NAPPA enables Participants to do:
- Securely view total NDIS funds
- View real-time access to allocated Plan funds
- Access Real-time visualisation of remaining Plan funds
- View all invoices in detail, with:
– Itemised support categories & specific supports from each category
– Up-to-the-minute copies of actual support invoices
– Where funding has been distributed & when
Find out more about our Participant Portal here.
With the success of NAPPA so far, we asked our participants for feedback on their experience with it, and this is what some of them had to say:
I am a participant in the NDIS. I really like the digital portal where I can easily access my plan and see where I have used the money and what is remaining.
So I just wanted to say a big thank you and express my appreciation to the NDSP for setting it up.
Just wanted to let you know I’ve joined the new portal for my daughter’s NDIS funding managed by NDSP. It is brilliant! Thank you! It’s a fantastic and easy to use portal and a great way to keep track of the budget and see what is being paid.
I have been really pleased with NDSP and the service provided. Great work!
Happy with the service.
I am particularly impressed with the online portal that NDSP have initiated. This gives clear and accurate documentation of the invoices that are applicable to the service providers.
Well done NDSP!
For Support Coordinators, NAPPA opens a new level of ease for assisting Participants, with the ability to access NAPPA with a single login that allows them to view each of their Participant’s Plans with just one click.
As an NDIS Plan Manager it’s vitally important that we continue to offer the best possible service and most accessible support possible to our Participants, and NAPPA has become an integral part of us doing that.
If you or someone you care for requires NDIS assistance or specifically looking for a reputable and professional Plan Manager, get in touch with us today via our online form or give us a call on 1800 63 63 77.