

As a registered provider, NDSP Plan Managers must provide additional information to participants under the guidance of the NDIS Quality and Safeguards Commission.

NDIS Code of Conduct – All NDSP employees are required to meet the Code of Conduct


Worker Screening – All NDSP employees must meet current NDIS worker screening requirements depending on their role and the nature of the work they undertake.


NDSP have a comprehensive mandatory employee induction in place and all staff and volunteers will participate in an induction program prior to commencement. The induction program will include training on duty of care, risk assessment and management, professional boundaries and ethical behavior.

NDSP operate under a continuous improvement model and encourage feedback on service provision improvements. Feedback can be submitted via our website: https://ndsp.com.au/compliments-and-complaints/ where you can also find useful links to the NDIS Safeguards and Quality Commission.

NDSP has a Policy in place where reporting to the NDIS Commission is required in circumstances of Violence, Abuse, Neglect, Exploitation or Discrimination occur. This includes Financial abuse. Further information can be found here https://www.ndiscommission.gov.au/providers/incident-management-and-reportable-incidents

We are bound to provide an opportunity for participants to ask questions about any of the information provided. This includes access to an independent advocate. Enquire here.

Understanding NDSP Service Agreement. If you require support to understand the NDSP Service Agreement and terms and conditions of our service delivery to you, please call 1800 363 377 to speak to one of our team.

The Disability Gateway is a resource developed by the Department of Social Services designed to support Australians living with disability, their families and carers with accessing information about policies, programs and support to help with increasing independence and community participation.