NDIS Participants

Inclusivity in the Work Place for NDIS Participants & others with a Disability

A number of NDIS Participants who have chosen Plan Management with NDSP have shown great interest in gaining meaningful employment, either as part of their long term goals or even shorter term goals that create part of their existing NDIS Plan – and why shouldn’t they?

Often those with disabilities are overlooked when the conversation turns to inclusivity, where gender can take centre stage. We’re not denying that gender inclusive workplaces (in-fact gender equality) are a must in our country, but we’d like to expand the focus of the ‘inclusivity in the workplace’ conversation to include those with disability.

There has been much talk on this topic in the last couple of years, which is fantastic, and from this ongoing discussion has come some words of wisdom from business owners that are both educating and encouraging all at once …

An article written for the Human Resources Director website makes a fantastic point:
“One of the biggest challenges of attaining genuine diversity is a lack of understanding of the ability, skills and potential that persons with disabilities can bring to the workplace.”

The article discusses the subject with the likes of Pan Pacific Hotels and SingTel – large businesses that operate internationally who are investing in inclusivity within their own organisations.

At the crux of what’s being discussed here is that forcing change on people isn’t the way forward, rather education and offering workable changes and solutions to employers that help those with disabilities enter or re-enter the workforce.

If you’re an employer, look for help from the outside – get in touch with a local disability support provider or plan manager and ask questions to discover what a person with disability can offer your organisation.

Inclusion is everyone’s responsibility, and at NDSP we work with our Support Coordinators, NDIS Participants and Referral Partners to ensure that our Plan Management service contributes meaningfully to the Participant, whether their goals include full-time employment, some casual work in an inclusive workplace or no employment at all.

PS: There are some fantastic employment opportunities available in specially designed locations created to cater specifically for those with disabilities – you can check out a brief clip about Summer House Farm over on our Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/NationalDisabilitySupportPartners

NDSP is a NDIS registered provider specialising in NDIS Plan Management. If you are a NDIS Participant looking for the right Plan ManagerCLICK HERE to get in touch with our friendly team today.


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NDSP is a NDIS registered provider, specialising in Plan Management. We are here to manage your NDIS funds on your behalf. Our experienced staff are highly skilled and ready to help you!

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