When Should You Change Your NDIS plan Manager?

When Should You Change Your NDIS plan Manager?

If you feel like you’re not getting the help you need from your NDIS plan manager, it’s absolutely okay to change them. It’s your right to have a manager who understands and takes care of your needs. The primary goal of NDIS management is to ensure all participants get their required services on time. An NDIS manager will pay the providers on time, track your funds and effectively manage your finances. In addition, they will also update you on your finances and be good bookkeepers.

But when should you change your NDIS plan manager?

You can switch NDIS plan managers whenever you want. You don’t need to wait till the end of your plan. But there’s a specified waiting period before you consider cancelling their services. This time frame, ranging between one week and one month, is usually mentioned in the agreement you sign with the NDIS plan manager.

There are several occasions when you may consider changing your NDIS manager. Let’s take a look.

When They Don’t Deliver What You Need

Your NDIS manager should make you their number one priority. They should always be available to support you when you need them. But you can move to another plan manager if you’re having problems with the current one. The problems might include the following:

  1. Payment Issues

Your NDIS plan manager manages your funds and pays your service providers. But some managers may delay payments leading to the discontinuation of essential services. In some cases, the manager may underpay for the services leading to the withdrawal of services. If this happens to you, it’s time to change your NDIS manager.

  1. Your Provider is Unreachable

It’s crucial to stay connected with your provider. It is necessary to stay updated about your funds and follow up on your finances. With some providers, you spend lots of time on hold and never get to see or talk to them. In such cases, getting invoices to know when you’re overspending or underspending becomes difficult. If you encounter such a situation, you should change your provider.

  1. They don’t keep track of your finances

Your provider should help you budget for your funds. In addition, they should update you on your funding. If you don’t get regular updates on your spending and savings, you should consider switching your NDIS plan manager.

When You’re Moving Interstate

Moving could mean being far away from your NDIS plan manager. Maybe you just built a new home, want to change town for better services, or want to move in with a relative. It could prompt you to switch to another manager.

Being near your NDIS plan manager ensures easy access when you need help. So it’s crucial to be in the same town or at least the same state as your manager. Changing your plan manager is the best option if the distance is too long.

How to Change Your NDIS Plan Manager

Changing plan managers is simple. You don’t need lengthy meetings or consultations to do this. Also, it will not affect your services in any way. Here are the steps to switching to a new plan manager.

  1. Find a New NDIS Plan Manager

The first step is to find a new plan manager. Once you have identified them, inform them of your interest in becoming their client. In return, they will guide you on the setup process and help with the changeover. Sometimes, you might be required to inform the NDIA that you are changing your plan manager.

  1. Inform Your Current Plan Manager

Once you agree with your chosen manager, it’s time to inform your current manager. You need to email them that you’re no longer interested in their services. Ensure you get a reply stating the date they will release your service booking. However, they should continue providing the services until the change is over.

Usually, you’ll need to wait for a while before they cancel your services. It might take a minimum of one week and a maximum of one month. The cancellation period is always indicated in the agreement. So you can check the agreement to know how long you need to wait for the cancellation process.

  1. Sign Up With Your New Manager

Once the waiting period is over, your existing manager will cancel your account, and you can sign up with your new plan manager. They will also prepare invoices from your former manager to start managing your funds. In addition, your new manager will help you with the changeover process.

What you Should Look for in New NDIS Plan Manager

  • Experience With NDIS: Before you settle for a new plan manager, ensure they understand your NDIS plan. They can help you benefit from your funding by informing you about the best services without overspending or underspending.
  • Efficiency: Ensure your manager is available and reachable and regularly updates you on your funding. They should process invoices in time to avoid conflicts with your service providers. While you may not need frequent physical meetings, they must be easily accessible, especially on the phone.
  • Transparency: Transparency helps build trust since your manager can account for all the expenses. Therefore, ensure your manager tracks and keeps you updated on your NDIS funds. It allows you to control your finances. They should also give you advice that helps you achieve your goals. Therefore, they should go above and beyond to understand what you need and how you can achieve it.

Changing your NDIS plan manager is easy. You can do it at any point in your plan if you feel they’re no longer serving your interests.

If you are looking to change your NDIS plan manager, you can contact us at 1800 63 63 77 or email us at info@ndsp.com.au.


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