Three wooden cubes with question marks on them stacked on top of each other

Who We Service!

Hiring experienced NDIS Plan Managers is one of the four options available to handle your funding. You can also choose self-management, agency management or a combination of all. However, many participants prefer getting the support of professional NDIS Plan Managers. This way, they ensure they are getting the most out of their NDIS Plan, without the hassle of handling everything themselves.

NDSP is a registered NDIS Plan Management provider. We will be the link connecting you with service providers and the NDIA. Our experienced team is committed to providing you with an innovative service within a fun and trustworthy environment.

As leading NDIS Plan Managers, several users and organisations can benefit from our services:


NDIS Participants

We are all for NDIS Plan participants. Our main role as NDIS Plan Managers is to give you the freedom to focus on achieving your goals. We will assist you by handling all your support payments from your NDIS funds. With us, you can rest assured all your provider invoices will be paid within three to five business days. Through our NAPPA Participant Portal, you will get real-time budget access to monitor your NDIS funds.

Hiring us as your NDIS Plan Managers will not cost you anything. Our fees get added to your ‘Improved Life Choices’ plan. There is no eligibility criteria to receive plan management support. It is your right as an NDIS Plan participant.


NDIS Support Coordinators

At NDSP, we take pride in sharing our extensive NDIS knowledge with you and your clients. Our expert NDIS Plan Managers will support your role by providing up-to-date details regarding the funds of your clients. We can also list you in our national directory of Support Coordinators.

The standard services we provide NDIS Support Coordinators include 24/7 access to NAPPA; our Plan Management Portal. With one login you will be able to view all your client NDIS Plans registered with us. You can check the NDIS funds of each of your clients in real-time. We will also provide you with access to all your client invoices and much more.

To save you the time and hassle, you can rely on us to pay providers consistently within three to five business days. You will not have to chase after outstanding provider payments for your participants.


Disability Service Providers

Extra benefit participants will get from hiring registered NDIS Plan Managers, is gaining access to more service providers. We can list you in our Disability Service Provider directory to be easier to find by NDIS participants. Our team will work with you to make sure your invoices are correct, before sending them for claiming. It ensures minimal payment delays.


NDSP Referral Partners

If you have clients seeking NDIS Plan Managers, we would be delighted if you would consider referring them to us. You can rest assured we will take good care of your clients.


Take the stress out of NDIS. Contact our Plan Managers today!


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