NDIS head office

Why the NDIS Is So Important!

The NDIS is considered a ground-breaking change in the way disability services and supports are funded and delivered in Australia. It is a new way of providing support to people in Australia with permanent and significant disabilities. The main goal of NDIS is to help you achieve your goals and enable you to be part of everyday activities. To get the most out of your plan, you need the help of an experienced NDIS Plan Management provider.

NDSP is a registered Plan Management provider. We will manage your funding on your behalf and support you to make the best out of your NDIS Plan.

Here is how you can benefit from NDIS:


Better Quality of Life

The central concept of NDIS is empowerment and equality. With the help of the NDIS, you will be able to access existing services, regardless of when and where your disability was acquired. You will have better opportunities for leading a good, independent, productive life.

With the right NDIS Plan Managers, you will get support from providers to reduce your physical, emotional and financial stress. Our NDIS Plan Management will take any hassle out of your plan and give you more freedom to focus on your life enhancement goals.


A National Scheme

Another great advantage of NDIS is that it gives you the freedom to move, without risking losing your financial benefits. NDIS is a national scheme. This means it is available throughout Australia. It does not matter which state you live in now or plan to move to in the future. Your NDIS Plan is available across Australia.

At NDSP, our NDIS Plan Management services are also available nationally. We will help you find suitable service providers for your needs wherever you live in Australia. You can always search our online national directory to find qualified service providers.



With NDIS, Australia has built a world-class scheme that is financially sustainable. Through your NDIS Plan, you will be able to get regular care, support, therapy and equipment for your needs. This reasonable and necessary support will be available across your lifetime. There are no uncertainties to worry about. Your caretakers and service providers will always get paid through your NDIS funds.

With our NDIS Plan Management services, you can rest assured your service providers will always be paid on time. Our NDIS Plan Management experts will handle all the paperwork and communications to ensure that you continue to receive the best support you need.



Every NDIS Plan is built around the person it serves. It takes into consideration your unique conditions and requirements. As registered NDIS Plan Management providers, we will give you more freedom and flexibility to choose your service providers. You will not be limited to NDIS registered providers only.


NDIS Plan Management services will cost you nothing. Their fees get added to your ‘Improved Life Choices’ Plan.

Make the most of your plan with our NDIS Plan Management services. Call us now!


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About Us

NDSP is a NDIS registered provider, specialising in Plan Management. We are here to manage your NDIS funds on your behalf. Our experienced staff are highly skilled and ready to help you!

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