a smiling child on a swing

Does NDIS Management Cost Anything?

Absolutely no! NDIS management will not cost you a single cent. You won’t even have funds removed from your plan. When you opt for NDIS management, your budget will be increased to include funding specifically for you to engage a Plan Manager NDIS.

We are here to help you work out how to have NDIS management included in your plan. Additionally, we will advise you on engaging a supportive and reliable Plan Manager to help take care of your budgeting needs.

Support When You Need It

First, during your initial planning meeting, you will need to request that NDIS management be added to your plan. In doing so, we will be including the funding under the support budget called Improved Life Choices. These additional funds will cover the costs involved in engaging the services of a Plan Manager.

If your current plan has already been finalised and doesn’t include Improved Life Choices, you can request a review with your Local Area Coordinator (LAC) or Support Coordinator. They will talk you through what it means to have NDIS management added to your plan. In addition to helping you decide if you would like a Plan Manager to assist you, they will also advise you on the process of engaging an NDIS management provider.

Reliable Budget Management

NDIS management will take care of every aspect of your budget. That’s why you must engage a Plan Manager that you can trust. When deciding on the right NDIS management for you, your LAC or Support Coordinator can provide suggestions that can help you make a good choice. Alternatively, the NDIS participant portal provides a list of registered Plan Managers in your area.

A reliable NDIS management provider will offer you more than just payment processing. An effective Plan Manager will help you successfully navigate your NDIS plan and maximise your funding by

  • enabling you to access both registered and non-registered support providers
  • ensuring your funds are spent following the appropriate budget
  • monitoring your funding and advising you when your funds are getting low
  • offering you transparency with access to track your budget in real-time
  • providing you with regular financial reports

Overall, NDIS management should provide you with consistent, effective budget support. And offer you advice and guidance regarding your funding and how your funds can be best utilised to help achieve your goals. So, choosing a Plan Manager that you can rely on to provide you with all of this is extremely beneficial in getting the most from your plan.

NDIS Management = Freedom

When you engage NDIS management to help navigate your NDIS plan, you are benefiting from a service that will allow you the freedom to focus on achieving your goals. With NDSP, you are teaming up with trustworthy experts highly skilled in NDIS.

Our NDIS management team provides reliable, professional support to pay your providers and help you get the most from your NDIS plan. We take care of the nitty-gritty so you can spend more time living your life and getting the right support to meet your needs.

So, contact the experts at NDSP and let us start helping you manage your NDIS plan today.


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NDSP is a NDIS registered provider, specialising in Plan Management. We are here to manage your NDIS funds on your behalf. Our experienced staff are highly skilled and ready to help you!

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