
Queensland’s transition to the NDIS is now complete

There are now around 85,000 Queenslanders in, or currently seeking access to, the NDIS. This is a big deal for the NDIS and it means that there is real change and assistance being offered to a huge part of our disabled community in the state.

This essentially means that as of October 1, the NDIS rollout in the sunshine state will be complete, contributing to the success of the uptake and cementing the NDIS future for the disabled community in Australia.

Minister for the National Disability Insurance Scheme, Stuart Robert, said the full scheme agreement is a significant milestone in the NDIS rollout, stating:

“Queensland now joins the rest of the country, apart from WA, with the NDIS operating under a full scheme agreement, securing the future of the NDIS for all Queenslanders.

Increased numbers of NDIS participants also supports the development of our Queensland NDIS market, and creates more jobs, including jobs for people with disability.”

The Australian Government (state and national) have been investing in ensuring people with disability have fair and equitable access to the NDIS, particularly in Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities, culturally and linguistically diverse communities, people experiencing psychosocial disabilities, and ageing parents or carers of people with disability (that bit was courtesy of the NDIS).

Aside from monetary investment, we’re encouraged to be told that our government(s) are looking to further increase NDIS participation in Qld and indeed the rest of the country.

What does this mean for you as a Queenslander?

If you’re already a NDIS Participant, be proud of what you’ve achieved and consider contributing to the improvement of the NDIS for everyone – even if it’s just by way of simple feedback directly to the NDIS, which you can provide here: https://www.ndis.gov.au/contact/feedback-and-complaints

If you live in Queensland, have a disability and are not yet a NDIS Participant you can discuss your needs with your nearest Local Area Coordinator using the NDIS finder feature: https://www.ndis.gov.au/contact/locations , contact the NDIS directly via their website: https://www.ndis.gov.au/applying-access-ndis

Or if you’d like, you can start the discussion with us and we’ll point you in the right direction, after all, we’re here to help!

One last thing … If you’re a Participant (or even if you’re not yet) and are considering how to make your NDIS Plan easier, speak to our friendly team about how Plan Management can deal with the administration of your Plan funds and let you simply focus on your goals.

NDSP Plan Managers are a NDIS registered provider specialising in NDIS Plan Management. If you are a NDIS Participant looking for the right Plan Manager, CLICK HERE to get in touch with our friendly team today.



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NDSP is a NDIS registered provider, specialising in Plan Management. We are here to manage your NDIS funds on your behalf. Our experienced staff are highly skilled and ready to help you!

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